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Supermarket and Convenience Store Industry

Common Issues in Supermarket and Convenience Store Industry

Special Discounts For Members
The proliferation of corporate brands and businesses has led to fierce competition.
The variety of Member discounts and benefits can greatly increase consumer sentiment and attract more consumers.
Multi-Branch Capable Reward Points System
When a company is faced with a lot of competition from other retailers with wide ranges of special offers, it becomes very difficult to differentiate themselves from the competition.
Shopping for reward points is a very effective way to earn cash back on spending, and the more you spend, the more points you earn.
Without careful stocktaking it can be easy to inadvertently double-order items when purchasing goods, resulting in large stockpiles.
The use of an inventory management system can help to reduce stockpiles by conducting regular inventory counts.
Purchase Order Processing Functions
Companies generally purchase goods by phone or email, which can lead to duplicate purchases, errors and lack of monitoring.
Use the system's Purchase Order and Return Order functions to efficiently manage your company's purchasing, return and receiving processes.
Electronic Payments
With all of the different payment methods available today, shops are often faced with having to manage a large number of payment machines at the point of sale.
With an all-in-one multifunctional payment machine, it is quick and easy to manage.
Bundle Assembly And Disassembly Functions
During holiday promotions, it’s common to assemble gift sets or package deals to increase sales. It can be difficult to track quantities, inventory, and sales volumes for package deals, and it can be difficult to process the disassembly at the end of the promotion.
If the system supports the assembly and disassembly of goods into packages, this can be done at a glance by management.



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